Pruneyrolles hamlet in Saint Pierre de Colombier
Vue sur le village
Vue sur le village - S.Bugnon-ASV

Pruneyrolles hamlet in Saint Pierre de Colombier

Fauna - Flora
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This loop starting from Saint Pierre de Colombier village center will make you scale the heights (about 300m) to discovers Ardèche’ treasures.

During this walk you will discover one of the Saint-Pierre-de-Colombier hamlets. Cross the chestnut groves, calades and typical terraces from Ardèche.

1 point of interest

  • Vue centrée sur le village et son église
    Vue centrée sur le village et son église - S.Bugnon-ASV
    Historical and religious heritage

    Saint-Pierre-de-Colombier church

    The church dates back to the 19th century. The front door is remarkable. It has been sculpt by an inhabitant of the village named M. Delubac. He also made a way of the cross as well as the Christ nearby the altar.


  1. Departure point from the hikes info board on the market square. Take the center direction, pass the bridge that spans the Bourges and reach the RD 26.
  2. At the junction on RD26 turn left. Walk along the road on 200m passing by the Post office.
  3. At the cross, pass the road and climb up between the houses.
  4. On the church square observe the tympanum (arcade around the door) of the church, it has been cut by a passionate sculptor of the village (this is rare). Take the “Burzet 7.7km” direction walking along the church then cross the little bridge and climb up through the chestnut grove.
  5. At “Tarissou” cross, follow the “Burzet 7.2km” panel. Continue to the road. On the right you will discover some beautiful “faïsses” (terraces).
  6. At the “Champeaux” follow the “Saint-Pierre-de-Colombier 2.7km” panel. Follow the road on the left to reach “Arzalier” hamlet.
  7. At the entrance of the hamlet, take the path on the left that go through the houses, the meadow and the gardens. Enter the park by closing the fence. Continue the rocks path and reach the chestnutb grove to arrive at “Tarissou” cross.
  8. At “Tarissou” cross, follow the “Saint-Pierre-de-Colombier 0.9km” panel. At the church square follow the “hikes info board 0.4km”. This same track will leads you to the market square.
  • Departure : Market square
  • Arrival : Market square


Altimetric profile


The loop is delineated by yellow and white painting.

Information desks

Tourism Office

2 place du Bosquet, Neyrac les Bains, 07380 Meyras


Access and parking

From Aubenas, take the N102 to Pont de Labeaume. At the village exit take right the D536 then Burzet direction. In Thueyts, take the N102 Aubenas direction before the Rolandy of Pont-de-Labeaume bridge turn left on the D536 the take Burzet direction.

Parking :

Market square.

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