Blueberry circuit in Burzet
Vue sur l'Horloge et le quartier ancien
Vue sur l'Horloge et le quartier ancien - S.Bugnon-ASV

Blueberry circuit in Burzet

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This hike around Burzet takes you to the discovery of beautiful panoramas of the upper valley of Ardèche. It pass also through beautiful chestnut and blueberry field.
Stride along the Bourges valley, weave in and out savages blueberries and centenary sweet chestnuts. You really are in Ardèche. Savage, living and mysterious. This nice walk which begins at Burzet village  will take you to the heights. At the end of the hike you can take the cross path to complete it.


  1. Departure point from the hikes info board at the casino square. Take the street of Lalevade that is situated at the opposite of the hikes info board before the Bourge bridge.
  2. PoteauArrived at the post, follow the Lachamp-Raphaël direction. After 500 metres, leave the path to follow the track which climbs on the right crossing chestnut and blueberry field.
  3. At the entrance of the Sausses hamlet, take left for 60 metres then take the road which goes down.
  4. At the junction with the by-road, take left fo 300 metres.
  5. Leave the road to take the little stairs on the right that reach the further down bridge.
  6. After the bridge, take left. Cross the houses of the Aubert mill. Tthe path goes along a canal and cross the Sarralier hamlet. Follow the paved road that the track reaches to the RD289 junction.
  7. Cross the road. The way goes up on the left of the water tank. The path reach the roman paved track. Go down to Burzet.
  8. PoteauFollow « Burzet 0.6 km » direction to reach your starting point.
  • Departure : Little casino parking area
  • Arrival : Little casino parking area
  • Towns crossed : BURZET


Altimetric profile


The loop is delineated by yellow and white painting.

Information desks

Tourism Office

2 place du Bosquet, Neyrac les Bains, 07380 Meyras


Access and parking

From Aubenas take the N102 to Pont de Labeaume. At the end of the village, take the D536 to your right in Montpezat-sous-Bauzon direction, then the D215 in Saint Pierre de Colombier direction.
From Thueyts, take the N102 in Aubenas direction. Before Pont de Labeaume, take Montpezat-sous-Bauzon direction then take the D215 in Saint Pierre de Colombier direction.

Parking :

Little casino parking area in the centre of the village.

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